Matching Grant Scheme for Skills Upgrading is a funding scheme for training under the Anti-epidemic Fund to support individuals, in particular those who have been adversely affected as a result of the epidemic. With an aim of helping individuals to become better equipped with enhanced skills and prepare them for the economic turnaround, all approved programmes are heavily subsidized at 75% of the programme cost, while the organiser may collect fees generated from enrollment to cover the balanced cost.
HKPC Academy is proud to present the following approved subsidized programmes under the Matching Grant Scheme for Skills Upgrading, which will run for 12 months from now with limited places for each programme. The published fees are after the deduction of funding subsidy, and no further reimbursement application is required by the participants.
REMEMBER: Only Limited Places are available, please make use of the funding to enhance your FutureSkills!
HKSAR Government’s package of measures to support individuals and businesses affected by COVID-19