Exploring the Challenges of Intellectual Property Protection in Generative AI - 生产力学院
Exploring the Challenges of Intellectual Property Protection in Generative AI
庄先生 2788 5768 | 李先生 2788 5932


Course Detail

In today’s evolving business, the transformative power of generative AI in content creation is undeniable. From text and images to videos and audio, generative AI has revolutionized the way we create contents.

However, as this technology continues to advance, it brings with the intellectual property (IP) challenges that require a comprehensive understanding of IP rights in generative AI.

The seminar will provide critical considerations for IP rights in generative AI, addressing the specific challenges faced in safeguarding intellectual property. Participants should be able to gain an understanding of the legal boundaries and implications of using generative AI.


Mr. So Man Kit, a practicing lawyer in Hong Kong, is a guest professor and has held positions as a legal department head in international financial institutions and regulatory bodies. He is the Chairman of the Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre and the Wealth Succession Planning Association. With over 20 years of experience in finance, law, and listing matters in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, Mr. So focuses on cross-border dispute resolution and wealth succession planning. As early as 2019, Mr. So collaborated with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to develop “LegalTech” and “AI Lawyers” to address simple legal consultations. He has also conducted postdoctoral research on legal technology, legal robots, and the application of artificial intelligence at Stanford University and the University of California, USA.

Date & Time

1 August 2024, 15:00-17:00


HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Face-to-face)

Course Fee

HKD $330/ HKD $300 *

* Applicable on or before 24 July 2024

Medium of Instruction

Cantonese (with Bilingual English-Chinese Materials)

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