Exercising Influence™ from US training company Barnes & Conti is a leading influence training programme worldwide. The programme develops key influence tactics and behaviours to win support and get buy-in from others in scenarios like gaining approval, requesting resources, seeking alignment or encouraging participation in initiatives.
The programme uses a fitness metaphor to recognise how specific influence tactics affect performance. Then, through targeted strengthening of lesser-used influence behaviours, or by learning alternative ways of approaching an influence situation, participants develop greater focus and flexibility, and peak performance as an influencer.
The program offers a blended-learning approach. The online modules balance trainer input with breakout-room discussions and role-play practices to help participants to identify, develop and hone their influence skills in work-based situations. The modules are fully supported with online resources and a mobile application to support, deepen and extend the learning.
Overview of Topics
- Definitions and key concepts e.g. influence vs. manipulation
- Influence framework – a planning tool for influence opportunities
- Tactics and behaviours that build relationships and get results
- Targeted development practice in real world situations
- Planning & application for an important influence opportunity
Date & Time
13, 14 & 17 June 2022, 9: 30 am – 12:30 pm
(Total 9 hours)
Virtual learning led by instructor via Zoom
Certificate of Achievement
An e-certificate of Achievement will be awarded to participants who have fulfilled the requirement with 75% and above attendance of this programme.
Programme Fee
(Early-bird: HK$4,392, applicable on or before 30 May 2022)
Trainer Profile – Mr Anthony BROPHY
Anthony is managing director and principal consultant of HR Solutions, a Hong Kong training company since 1997 and local partner of Barnes & Conti. He specializes in areas of leadership development, performance management, negotiating & influencing and communication skills training. His clients include major companies in the insurance, finance, luxury, sourcing, education and property sectors, and various university and government departments.
Anthony previously held senior positions in education, sales and management in Hong Kong and Japan with the British Council, International Thomson Publishing and Oxford University Press. He has master’s degrees in Linguistics and Human Resources Management, a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and Postgraduate Diplomas in Management from Macquarie University and in Management Consulting & Change (with Distinction) from the University of Hong Kong, PKKI. He has completed the Harvard Law School Diploma on Negotiation for Senior Executives and is an accredited facilitator of the MBTI® and DISC personality instruments and the internationally-acclaimed workshop Think on your Feet®.
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