Generations United: Building Bridges, Creating Synergy (vLearn Programme) - HKPC Academy
Generations United: Building Bridges, Creating Synergy (vLearn Programme)
    Mr Bosco LAU 2788 5668 | Ms Becky YU 2788 5029


    The evolution of the latest technology and the integration of the newest generation into the workforce are transforming the way we work.

    Millennials and Gen Z have brought profound impacts and changes to the workplace. With their unique perspectives, values, and communication styles, these generations are reshaping the future of organisations.

    In this course, we explore the generational differences and learn how to promote teamwork, celebrate diversity, and foster collaboration. Prepare for the future by embracing digitalisation and upskilling.

    Join us to unlock the potential of a united and synergistic workforce!

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this course, you will :

    • Understand how different generations impact the organisations differently
    • Realise how different generations communicate and receive information
    • Recognise the similarities and differences across generations

    Course Outline

    1. Situation of the Generational Differences in Workplace
    -Definition of Generational Differences

    -Millennials and Gen Z in workplace

    -What is “Quite Quitting”?

    -Where are they in their careers?

    -Communication preferences

    2. Meeting the Future
    -Differences in workplace: Past / Present vs Future

    -Digitalisation to meet the future

    -Upskilling, reskilling and preparing for the future

    3. Work Arrangements
    -Business needs vs talent needs

    -Benefits of flexi work location

    -The new ergonomics of workspace

    4. How to Diminish Generational Differences
    -Alignment of goals & purposes

    -Lead, motivate & engage

    -Ways to communicate effectively

    -Celebrate diversity & ongoing training

    5. Summary

    Programme Fee


    Programme Trainer

    Kenny CHAN

    Kenny CHAN has over 16 years of business development, marketing, media, education and management experience. He has been in leadership position for over 10 years leading teams of over 30 people. He specializes in communication, presentation, stress management and leadership with junior leaders, first time managers and millennials, understanding the needs and wants of their career and fitting them into corporate cultures.


    Programme Duration

    60 minutes divided into several learning sessions

    Account Validity

    Valid for 1 year


    Video Learning


    Cantonese with English and Chinese Subtitles

    Certificate Award

    A Certificate of Accomplishment will be awarded to participants who have completed the course

    Download Full Course Detail