Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies and Applications - HKPC Academy
Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies and Applications
    HKPC Building 78 Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon
    Mr CHAN, Tel:2788 5800


    What is Internet of Things (IoT) and why does it matter?

    As the world becomes increasingly digital, everything from coffee machines to cars can quickly become part of IoT network. Gartner forecasted that the number of connected things in use will go up to 25 million by 2021.

    The IoT will continue to deliver new opportunities for digital business innovation for the next decade.

    This programme aims at elaborating the core technologies, including RFID sensors, sensor networks and localisation behind IoT and the applications in different scenarios derived from these technologies.

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    Date & Time

    Date: 18,25 Nov 2023 (Sat)
    Time: 09:30 – 17:00

    Course Outline

    Day 1

    ♦Introduction to IoT
    ♦Core Technology RFID
    ♦Core Technology Localisation
    ♦Core Technology Sensor and Sensor Network


    ♦Business Drivers and Models
    ♦Application Scenarios and Case Studies
    ♦Future Trends of IoT


    Prerequisites: It is recommended that participants possess basic programming knowledge (in any languages)

    Bring Your Own Device (BYOD):  Windows 7/10 / Mac OS 10.x or above with minimum 2 GB RAM and 20 GB hard disk

    Course Fee



    Cantonese, supplemented with English terminology

    Trainer Information

    Simon MOK is an IT professional trainer for over 10 years covering IoT, data analytics, AI and machine learning and programing. He has rich experience in leading development team to deliver software solutions for clients. He is a M.Phil from the University of Hong Kong and MSc in Computer Science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.