Application closed.
Course / Module Introduction
Please refer to “Download course details” below for more information of the course / module.
Date and Time for the Module
Date: 19, 21, 26, 28 Sep 2022 (Mon & Wed)
Time: 19:00 – 21:15
Module Duration: 9 Hours
Online (Zoom)
Module Outline
- HK trademark law, trademark registration and procedures
- Addressing HK trademark infringement and enforcement
- Domain name disputes resolution
- PRC trademark registration system
- Addressing PRC trademark infringement and enforcement
- Trademark case workshop
Cantonese, with training materials in English
Module Fee
About the Lecturers
Dr Lewis LUK, MH, JP (LL. B Dip. CL, DBA (Management Science), FKC, IP Arbitrator, Industrial Engineer)
Dr Lewis Luk is a senior associate of P C Woo Co, Solicitors Notaries, a Panelist on Domain Names and an Arbitrator for Intellectual Property Disputes under the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre ( HKIAC). He is the founding president of the Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries (PVCHK), the Hong Kong Brands Protection Alliance (HKBPA) and the Hong Kong Institute of Patent Attorneys (HKIPA). He is also an Adjunct Professor in Faculty of Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Mr Henry LUK (LL. B, MSc, PGDipCompL)
Mr Henry Luk possesses around a decade of experience in handling a full range of IP matters including the prosecution of patent and trademark applications worldwide. He is currently employed by Squire Patton Boggs, a full service global law firm with more than 1 500 lawyers in 45 offices across 20 countries. He holds a Bachelor of Laws from King’s College London and a Master of Science from the University of Warwick and is a Council Associate of the Hong Kong Institute of Patent Attorneys (HKIPA). He has rich training experience in patent, trademark and IP management and has been a guest lecturer in relevant training programmes of HKPC, HKIPA and the University of Warwick.
If you would like to register for the whole course (including all the four modules) at a discounted price, please click the link below:
Full course – Certificate of IP Laws and Practice
If you would like to register for other individual module(s), please click the respective links below:
Module 2 – Hong Kong Design and Copyright
Module 3 – Hong Kong Patent
Module 4 – International Patent
Register for the Module 1 – Hong Kong and PRC Trademark by clicking the “Apply Now” button below